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I recognized that AI is the future

With an MBA featuring dual specializations in Marketing and HR, my current role as a Sanctions Investigator at PayPal reflects a journey of 6.5 years in the corporate world. My academic journey began at Alvas Institute of Engineering and Technology, where I completed my MBA in 2016, laying the groundwork for my professional path.

My experience at PayPal has been nothing short of dynamic. I’ve been part of a team that has witnessed its role evolve over time due to the continuous influx of updates and the introduction of Artificial Intelligence. Initially, these changes stoked concerns about job security, leaving me feeling unsure and vulnerable. However, over time, I’ve embarked on a transformative journey of growth, transitioning from a state of apprehension to one of empowerment. I’ve honed the skills to confront new challenges head-on and navigate this ever-evolving landscape. This journey has equipped me to effectively address business problems and adapt to the transformative influence of AI.

My inclination to stay abreast of the latest trends has always been strong, and I recognized that AI is the future. Eager to enhance my knowledge in this field, I was actively seeking the right platform. Serendipitously, Lakshay reached out to me on LinkedIn, setting the stage for a seamless transition into this learning journey.

I’m currently part of an ongoing batch in my Great Learning journey. This program has proven instrumental in providing me with a holistic understanding of AI concepts, bridging the gaps in my knowledge. The learning sessions have been invaluable, directly impacting my career by furnishing me with knowledge that’s both relevant and transformative.

The method by which concepts are elucidated during these sessions is paramount. Some topics and content I encountered on my own were intricate and hard to grasp, but the Great Learning sessions have a unique way of simplifying complex ideas into easily digestible explanations. This approach has been a game-changer, making even intricate AI concepts accessible to all who are willing to learn.

As I continue on this learning journey, I’m excited about the newfound clarity and understanding I’ve gained through Great Learning. It has provided me with the tools to navigate the AI landscape more effectively, enhancing my ability to approach my role at PayPal and future endeavors with confidence.

As of now, the journey has been positive and transformative. I’m still an active participant in the ongoing batch. The mentored learning sessions have proven to be extremely beneficial, with our mentor’s teaching skills and clarification of doubts enhancing the learning experience. The mentor’s guidance has been invaluable in reinforcing our concepts.

As I look ahead, I’m reminded that AI was always the future, and my desire to stay updated with accurate information has been fulfilled through this course. While I’m still mid-program, I am optimistic about the course’s impact on my overall understanding.

For those embarking on a similar journey, my advice would be to attend all classes and stay focused. A timely review of the provided content and material is crucial. Give your best effort, immerse yourself in the material, and attempt to relate it to real-world data. This proactive approach will ensure a comprehensive understanding and meaningful application of the learned concepts.

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Great Learning
Great Learning's Blog covers the latest developments and innovations in technology that can be leveraged to build rewarding careers. You'll find career guides, tech tutorials and industry news to keep yourself updated with the fast-changing world of tech and business.

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