AI Tools for Students

10 AI Tools for Students: Enhancing Education with Technology

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Technology has had a massive impact on the educational sector. From introducing e-learning platforms to AI-enabled tools, the world of education is undergoing a paradigm change.

 While the use of AI is debatable, we cannot undermine the fact that it is here to stay. The search of tools like chat GPT, Grammarly, Quillbot and many others in the league is an example of how AI-enabled platforms are transforming the education vertical.

 Since many such tools are available in the market, we will cover 10 best AI tools for students along with its features.  This will help you in finding the best tool for your requirement. 

10 Best AI Tools for Students

1. Grammarly: Polishing Your Writing Skills

Writing is an essential skill for students, and Grammarly is an AI-powered tool to help them enhance their writing abilities. This tool analyzes text for grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors, providing real-time suggestions for improvement. With Grammarly, students can refine their essays, assignments, and research papers, ensuring their work is error-free and well-written.


Key Features:

  • Real-time grammar and spelling checks
  • Suggestions for clarity and conciseness
  • Plagiarism detection
  • Writing style enhancements


  • Improves writing skills and language proficiency
  • Ensures error-free assignments and essays
  • Provides detailed explanations for grammar mistakes
  • Compatible with various platforms and browsers


  • Some advanced features require a premium subscription
  • It may not catch contextual errors or subtle nuances
  • Suggestions may not always align with the writer’s intention

2. Wolfram Alpha: A Smart Calculator and More

Wolfram Alpha is a computational knowledge engine that goes beyond traditional search engines. It can solve complex mathematical equations, generate step-by-step solutions, provide scientific data, and offer insights on various subjects. Students can utilize Wolfram Alpha to tackle challenging math problems, explore scientific concepts, and access a wealth of information for their projects.

Wolfram Alpha

Key Features:

  • Computational knowledge engine
  • Answers and solutions across multiple subjects
  • Step-by-step problem-solving
  • Graphing and visualization tools


  • Offers instant answers to complex mathematical and scientific queries
  • Provides comprehensive explanations and detailed solutions
  • Enables interactive learning through visualizations
  • Supports various platforms and devices


  • Requires a subscription for full access to advanced features
  • Limited support for languages other than English
  • Reliance on curated data sources may introduce inaccuracies

3. Turnitin: Ensuring Academic Integrity

One hot favourite tool for professors, students, and writers is to turn it on. It’s an AI-powered plagiarism detection tool.  Thus, it enables plagiarism-free write-ups. By comparing the student’s work with the vast database of sources, turning it in can identify the plagiarised content and generate detailed reports. It also encourages originality and ethical writing practices. 


Key Features

  • Assists in plagiarism detection
  • Get detailed reports on the matches found in the submitted work
  • Feedback and grading for better assessment 


  • Promotes academic integrity
  • Provides actionable feedback
  • Encourages proper citation practices 


  • Sometimes you may receive false positive results
  • Limited language support
  • The tool is a bit difficult to use 

4. Evernote 

One of the powerful tools that students can use is Evernote. This tool gives users an effortless medium to capture their notes and ideas. It saves time and makes important pointers easily accessible. Moreover, the seamless synchronisation ensures anytime access to the note. 

In addition to the notetaking capabilities, Evernote has advanced features like web clipping, enabling users to save articles online. This eventually helps in the research work. Moreover, the robust search makes it easier for the user to search specific notes quickly. 


Key Features:

  • Note-taking and organization
  • Syncs across devices
  • Web clipping and annotation
  • Search functionality and tagging


  • Effortless note-taking and organization for all subjects
  • Syncs notes across devices for easy access
  • Web clipping feature captures online research seamlessly
  • Powerful search and tagging capabilities


  • Advanced features require a premium subscription
  • May experience occasional synchronization issues
  • The steeper learning curve for mastering all the features

5. TED-Ed: Exploring Educational Videos

TED-Ed is an AI-enhanced platform. It offers a collection of educational videos that cover a range of topics. Individuals seeking guidance, support, or mentorship can access these videos. 

This platform helps the students gain deeper insights into the subject and explore new areas of interest. Moreover, it offers an immersive learning experience combining storytelling visuals and expert knowledge that engages the students.


Key Features:

  • Curated educational videos
  • Lesson creation and customization
  • Interactive quizzes and discussions
  • Learning journeys for in-depth exploration


  • High-quality educational videos on a wide range of topics
  • Engaging in quizzes and discussions promotes critical thinking
  • Enables teachers to create personalized lessons
  • Learning journeys offer structured paths for a comprehensive learning


  • Content availability can vary based on language and region
  • Interaction is limited to the provided resources
  • Not a comprehensive substitute for classroom learning

6. Kahoot!

Another popular platform that students can explore is Kahoot! It is an AI-powered platform that offers an interactive experience. It’s a great portal for students to indulge in educational quizzes, surveys and discussions. They gave me a fighting environment that enables faster learning. Moreover, it offers adaptive learning features which adapt to the individual’s progress and offer personalised feedback and recommendations. 


Key Features:

  • Interactive quizzes, surveys, and discussions
  • Gamified learning environment
  • Adaptive learning and personalized feedback


  • Promotes active learning and student engagement
  • Customizable quizzes and assessments
  • Suitable for both in-class and remote learning


  • Advanced features require a premium subscription
  • Limited control over question formats

7. MindMeister 

If You Are a student looking for a platform that allows you to collaborate and interact with your peers in real-time, then you should explore MindMeister. It’s an AI-powered mind-mapping tool that promotes brainstorming and note-taking and also focuses on collaborative idea generation.  


Key Features:

  • Interactive and customizable mind maps
  • Collaboration and real-time editing
  • Integration with other productivity tools


  • Visual representation of ideas and concepts
  • Seamless collaboration for group projects
  • Cross-platform accessibility


  • Some advanced features require a premium subscription
  • Limited customization options for free accounts

8. ReadCube 

This platform is perfect for academic research and also improves reading efficiency. It offers a comprehensive library that helps the students to organise, rotate and run through research papers. It’s a comprehensive package that fosters faster learning and intense research. Moreover, with its advanced research capabilities and personalised recommendations, tedCube streamlines the process of accessing scholarly content.

Key Features:

  • Library management and annotation tools
  • SmartCite for seamless citation insertion
  • Personalized recommendations and search filters


  • Efficient organization and retrieval of research papers
  • Simplified academic referencing
  • Integration with popular reference management software


  • Some advanced features require a premium subscription
  • Limited access to certain scholarly databases

9. Quizlet

Students looking for interactive study tools can run through this platform. This tool offers several interactive features like flashcards, quizzes and educational games that enhance the overall learning experience. Moreover, its intelligent algorithms adapt to individual learning progress.

It also identifies areas of weakness and provides targeted practice to reinforce knowledge. With its user-friendly interface and engaging study methods, Quizlet enhances students’ ability to retain and recall information effectively.


Key Features:

  • Digital flashcards and practice quizzes
  • Learning games for interactive study
  • Adaptive learning algorithms


  • Enhances memorization and comprehension
  • Versatile study modes
  • Supports collaborative learning


  • Some advanced features require a premium subscription
  • Limited customization options for free accounts

10. Mendeley

Mendeley is an AI-powered reference management tool. It assists students and researchers in organizing and citing academic literature. This tool enables users to create personalized libraries, annotate documents, generate bibliographies, and collaborate with peers. 

With its AI capabilities, Mendeley can also recommend research articles based on previous searches.  


Key Features:

  • Library organization and annotation tools
  • Citation generation and bibliography creation
  • Research article recommendations


  • Simplified academic referencing and citation
  • Collaboration features for group projects
  • Integration with popular word-processing software


  • Limited storage capacity for free accounts
  • Some advanced features require a premium subscription


  • Are these AI tools only beneficial for high school or college students?

A: No, these AI tools can benefit students of all ages and educational levels. Whether you’re in elementary school, high school, or pursuing higher education, these tools can enhance your learning experience and help you achieve academic success.

  • Can these AI tools replace human teachers?

A: well, this is a common question whether AI tools will completely replace professors and teachers. The fact is that tools are assistance and can support the teachers. Human interaction and guidance are essential to ensure a holistic learning experience. 

  • Do these AI tools compromise privacy and data security?

A: one of the primary concerns with using AI tools is whether or not the data is confidential. Hence it is advisable to only choose trustworthy tools that prioritise data protection. The tools mentioned in this blog are safe and maintain complete confidentiality of the data.

  • How can students make the most of these AI tools?

A: to use the AI tools more efficiently, it is imperative to 1st focus on the features of the tools. Experiment with the different functionalities, and then you will be able to use them aptly. Moreover, it is advisable to seek advice from teachers and students who have already used this tool. Additionally, you can find umpteen videos support on the internet wherein you can get complete guidance on using these tools effectively. 

  • Are there any AI tools specifically designed for students with special needs?

A: Yes, there are AI tools tailored to assist students with special needs. These tools provide text-to-speech, speech recognition, and adaptive learning to accommodate diverse learning styles and abilities. 


The AI tools discussed here will be highly helpful for students and professionals. Whether you are involved in the research work, or you are a professional writer or a student who is submitting assignments, these tools will not only help you in your research work and ensure original submissions but at the same time also helps you organise your work resulting in higher productivity. 

By embracing technology and leveraging these tools, students can unlock their full potential and embark on a lifelong learning journey.


  • Neha Singh

    Written by:

    I’m a full-time freelance writer and editor who enjoys wordsmithing. The 8 years long journey as a content writer and editor has made me relaize the significance and power of choosing the right words. Prior to my writing journey, I was a trainer and human resource manager. WIth more than a decade long professional journey, I find myself more powerful as a wordsmith. As an avid writer, everything around me inspires me and pushes me to string words and ideas to create unique content; and when I’m not writing and editing, I enjoy experimenting with my culinary skills, reading, gardening, and spending time with my adorable little mutt Neel.