
18 Ways Businesses are Launching New Products with Speech AI

Whether you're a developer, founder, or product innovator, here are 18 new ways to leverage Speech AI technology to launch new products and services.

18 Ways Businesses are Launching New Products with Speech AI

Speech AI technology (including Speech-to-Text, Audio Intelligence, and LLM capabilities) has quickly become an integral part of thousands of organizations and developer workflows. We're seeing innovators solve massive challenges and provide creative solutions—like coaching to help children learn to read or call analytics to improve customer support—and we want to highlight some of the new use cases we're seeing in the overall market.

Whether you're a developer, founder, or product innovator, here are 18 ways to leverage Speech AI technology to launch new products and services.

New Speech AI Use Cases

1. Meeting Note Takers and Co-Pilots

Speech AI can be your co-pilot and note taker for virtual and in-person meetings. These systems transcribe discussions, highlight key points, assign action items, and even offer real-time summaries and analytics. This frees you (and participants) to focus more on the discussion and less on taking notes. integrates with popular conferring tools to automate capturing and analyzing meeting conversations. It uses natural language processing to identify and organize discussion points, decisions, and future tasks. This helps your team get more out of meetings, follow-up effectively, track progression on objectives, and maintain accurate notes.

2. Tutoring

Speech AI transforms how educational tools interact with students by creating interactive tutoring systems that adapt to the learning pace and style of each student. These systems can provide immediate feedback, correct pronunciation in real time, and offer personalized learning experiences.

Literably uses Speech AI to perform online reading assessments. The technology allows students to practice reading aloud while the system analyzes their phonological awareness, phonics skills, oral reading fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension.

Solutions like this save educators time by automating the scoring process and providing actionable data for targeted interventions that better support reading growth.  

3. Digital Advertisement Protection

Loop Media offer an AI-powered brand safety layer. This solution protects venue partners from inappropriate or competitive advertisements by using speech recognition and analysis to scrutinize every ad broadcast on their networks. The system analyzes speech content in real time to identify and filter out any content that contains unsuitable language, themes, or competition.

Businesses that operate on models offering free ad-supported streaming (like restaurants, airports, and retail stores) need to protect their brand integrity. Traditional systems forced businesses into accepting potentially damaging content, but Loop Media's new AI use case promises to vet advertisements without manual oversight.

4. Automated Data Analysis

Marvin integrates advanced AI models to provide automated transcription services that convert audio and video data into accurate, actionable text. However, its services expand far beyond transcription. It lets users analyze text to detect patterns, extract meaningful information, and even redact sensitive data (automatically).

Traditional data analysis methods are time-consuming and prone to human error. Marvin's AI-powered tools reduce the time users spend analyzing data by 60%—this frees them up to focus on higher-level analysis and decision-making.

5. Call Analysis and Conversation Intelligence

CallRail leverages Speech AI technology to provide more accurate, insightful call analysis. It automatically categorizes, summarizes, and extracts actionable insights from customer calls, such as flagging questions and complaints. This streamlined process lets users understand every call without listening (or reading through) the entire conversation.

6. Video Editing integrates Speech AI into their business to enable content creators to edit and produce videos with greater ease. The AI-based platform gives content creators tools like AI-generated captions, subtitles, and automated video chapters. This streamlines the entire video editing process while also improving the overall quality (and accessibility) of the final content.

7. Hiring Assistant

Screenloop transforms the entire recruitment process—from interviews to candidate evaluation to hiring with Speech AI. It's a sophisticated hiring assistant that automates all your tedious tasks, cutting manual work time by 90% (and speeding up candidate evaluations).

Screenloop automates interview recording transcriptions to highlight key conversational points, mitigate hiring biases, speed up hiring processes, and make recruitment more inclusive.

8. Voice Overs

AI technology can create realistic voice overs for everything from commercials to educational videos. Text-to-speech (TTS) models help producers generate clear voice narratives in multiple languages and dialects without extensive human voice talent.

Duolingo, the popular language training application, uses custom text-to-speech voices for each unique character. These voices can articulate any sentence in the courses, adapting to various contexts and intonations necessary for language learning.

9. Gaming Chatbots

Speech AI is changing how players interact with non-playable characters (NPCs). For example, modders have integrated AI into popular games like Skyrim to give NPCs a memory of players' actions and the ability to generate dynamic, contextual dialogue. NPCs can remember past interactions and comment on the player's current activities.

10. Accessibility Tools

Speech AI (both text-to-speech and speech-to-text) makes digital content more accessible to the visually impaired or hard of hearing. For example, screen readers use Speech AI to interpret and vocalize text displayed on screens. And real-time captioning services use speech recognition to transcribe language spoken during live events, meetings, or broadcasts.

11. Mental Health Monitoring

Companies like Ellipsis Health use advanced machine learning to analyze the semantic content of speech (what is said) and the acoustic aspect (how it's said) to detect mental health issues. It uses state-of-the-art deep learning models trained on diverse, large datasets to catch subtle patterns in speech that may indicate depression or anxiety.

These models are speaker-independent and don't require any baseline training for each user. This simplifies the screening process and makes the tools more accessible to a broader audience.

12. Real-Time Translation

Products like Google Pixel Buds use Speech AI for real-time translation across languages. These tools and applications let user speak and hear translations directly in their ears (with corresponding text on their phones). This technology breaks down language barriers, improves accessibility, and gives travelers a more natural way to interact in different linguistic environments.

13. Autonomous Retail Assistants

Lowe's Innovation Labs released an Autonomous Retail Service Robot (ARSR) to improve customer service and streamline inventory management. Customers could talk with these robots to look for items, check inventory, and locate them in massive stores.

14. Elderly Care Communication Assistance

ElliQ is a social robot that leverages advanced Speech AI to interact with older people and reduce feelings of loneliness. It initiates topics, shares news, and provides reminders for medication, offering a blend of conversation, companionship, and care.

Unlike other voice assistants, ElliQ takes a proactive approach to care. It kicks off conversations and suggests activities—like a human sidekick would.

15. Emergency Dispatch

Emergency dispatch centers are adopting Speech AI to transcribe and analyze calls in real-time. These systems use natural language processing (NLP) to detect keywords and phrases that immediately categorize the nature of an emergency. This helps dispatch systems automatically prioritize calls and route them to the right response teams.

For example, automatically transcribes emergency calls and uses machine learning to suggest potential diagnoses. It can

16. Sales Coaching

You might record every sales call, but how often do you go back and listen to them (in their entirety) to collect feedback and insights? Speech AI can do this automatically for you in real time, providing insights on the overall customer sentiment on a call.

For example, Chorus records, transcribes, and analyzes sales conversations to provide sales professionals with immediate feedback following a call. This analysis highlights successful sales tactics, pinpoints missed opportunities, and helps identify customer concerns. Using these insights, sales associates can increase close rates and improve customer interactions. 

17. Voice Ordering Bots

Modern-day retail, lodging, food, and beverage services leverage voice AI to automate ordering. These voice-ordering bots leverage Speech AI technology to understand a wide range of languages, accents, dialects, and phrases—allowing them to process orders accurately.

Developers continue to build out these solutions, empowering bots to access real-time inventory data, pricing, and order status to provide customers immediate feedback.

Speech AI transforms how we interact with and search through extensive media libraries and archives. It converts spoken content into searchable text, helping users quickly locate specific information buried within videos, podcasts, meetings, all-hands, interviews, and other historical recordings.

This accelerates research and day-to-day digging through files and folders. Plus, it improves the accessibility of content for people with visual impairments or those who prefer auditory learning. 

The Next Evolution in Speech AI Technology

These use cases demonstrate the endless possibilities that are unlocked with the use of Speech AI technology. Organizations like, Spotify, Fireflies, and CallRail, rely on AssemblyAI to leverage powerful AI models they can build with—and we are committed to continuously improving our models, so our customers stay on the cutting-edge of technology.

Learn more about our latest Speech AI model, Universal-1:

Trained on 12.5 million hours of multilingual data

  • Multilingual Capabilities: Universal-1 supports English and Spanish with French and German coming soon.
  • Enhanced Accuracy: The model drastically reduces errors (with a 92.5% accuracy) even in challenging audio conditions such as heavy background noise or accented speech.
  • Lower Latency: A 30.4-second latency on 30-minute audio files reduces processing time and facilitates real-time applications like live translation or interactive customer service.