Google Veo: The New Text-to-Video Model Set to Challenge SORA

Himanshi Singh 15 May, 2024 • 5 min read


Google has just released Veo, its most advanced video generation model yet, and it’s set to change the way we create videos. Veo can produce high-quality videos in 1080p resolution and can handle footage longer than a minute. It is designed to give you exceptional creative control making it a powerful tool for filmmakers, creators, and educators.

What makes Veo special is its ability to outperform competitors like SORA with its cutting-edge features!

Whether you’re making a movie, creating educational videos, or working on creative projects, Veo helps you bring your ideas to life with stunning clarity and detail.

Let’s explore Google Veo together.

Key Features of Veo

1. High-Quality Video Generation

Veo produces 1080p resolution videos that can extend beyond a minute, offering crisp and clear visuals. This high definition ensures that videos are visually appealing and suitable for professional use. The model leverages advanced neural networks to generate high-resolution frames that maintain visual coherence.

Prompt: Timelapse of the northern lights dancing across the Arctic sky, stars twinkling, snow-covered landscape

Google Veo

Notice how clear video is generated.

2. Advanced Prompt Interpretation

The model understands and follows complex prompts, capturing the intended tone and details accurately. This includes an advanced understanding of natural language processing (NLP) and visual semantics, allowing Veo to generate videos that closely match user prompts. It employs transformer-based architectures to process and understand language and visual inputs effectively.

Prompt: Many spotted jellyfish pulsating under water. Their bodies are transparent and glowing in deep ocean

Google Veo

Attention to details provided in the prompt such as transparent glowing bodies.

3. Cinematic Effects and Masked Editing

Veo can generate specific cinematic effects such as timelapses, drone shots, and more, adding a professional touch to videos. It understands and applies cinematic terminology to create effects that are visually striking and contextually appropriate.

Users can also define specific areas of a video to edit, enabling precise modifications based on a mask area and text prompt. This feature allows for targeted changes without affecting the entire video, offering greater flexibility in the editing process. Veo’s masked editing capabilities are powered by advanced image segmentation techniques and GANs (Generative Adversarial Networks) to accurately edit specified regions.

Prompt 1: Drone shot along the Hawaii jungle coastline, sunny day

Cinematic Effects and Masked Editing | Veo

Now in the same video let’s mask some Kayaks in water. 

Prompt 2: Drone shot along the Hawaii jungle coastline, sunny day. Kayaks in the water

Cinematic Effects and Masked Editing | Veo

Did you see the magic? Amazing right.

4. Image-Based Video Generation

By combining an image with a text prompt, Veo can generate videos that match the style of the provided image. This feature is particularly useful for creators who want to maintain a consistent visual style across their videos. The model uses style transfer techniques and latent space manipulation to align the generated video with the reference image.

For example: We’ve this image of Alpacas. Let’s make them dance with a prompt.

Image-Based Video Generation

Prompt: Alpacas dancing to the beat

Image-Based Video Generation

5. Consistent Frame Quality

Veo’s advanced technology ensures that characters, objects, and styles remain stable throughout the video, minimizing inconsistencies. This results in smoother and more coherent video sequences, enhancing the overall viewing experience. Veo utilizes latent diffusion transformers and temporal consistency algorithms to maintain frame-to-frame consistency.

Prompt: A panning shot of a serene mountain landscape, the camera slowly revealing snow-capped peaks, granite rocks and a crystal-clear lake reflecting the sky

Consistent Frame Quality

You can notice the consistency maintained across the video in each frame. 

6. Extended Video Length

Veo can create video clips and extend them to 60 seconds or more, either from a single prompt or a sequence of prompts. This capability allows for the creation of longer, more detailed videos that can tell a complete story. The model employs sequence-to-sequence learning and recurrent neural networks (RNNs) to handle extended video generation.

Prompts: A fast-tracking shot through a bustling dystopian sprawl with bright neon signs, flying cars and mist, night, lens flare, volumetric lighting.

A fast-tracking shot through a futuristic dystopian sprawl with bright neon signs, starships in the sky, night, volumetric lighting.

A neon hologram of a car driving at top speed, speed of light, cinematic, incredible details, volumetric lighting.

The cars leave the tunnel, back into the real world city Hong Kong.

Google DeepMind’s text-to-video model Veo creates 60 second video

Working of Google Veo

Veo builds upon years of generative video model work, incorporating breakthroughs from several notable projects:

  • Generative Query Network (GQN): Provided the foundation for understanding complex scenes from multiple viewpoints.
  • DVD-GAN: Pioneered using GANs for video generation, allowing for more realistic and coherent video creation.
  • Imagen-Video: Enhanced high-resolution image and video generation capabilities.
  • Phenaki: Focused on generating long-duration videos from textual descriptions.
  • WALT: Worked on producing videos with smooth transitions and coherent narrative structures.
  • VideoPoet: Integrated poetic and artistic elements into video generation.
  • Lumiere: Improved the rendering of light and shadows in video generation, enhancing realism.

In addition to these foundational projects, Veo leverages Google’s cutting-edge Transformer architecture and the powerful Gemini framework. These advancements enable Veo to better understand and follow prompts with remarkable accuracy.

To further enhance Veo’s performance, detailed captions were added to the training data, improving the model’s ability to interpret and generate videos based on textual descriptions. The model also uses high-quality, compressed representations of video, known as latents. These latents not only enhance the efficiency of the model but also improve the overall quality of the generated videos. This approach reduces the time required for video generation, making the process faster and more efficient.

Working of Google Veo

How to Access Veo?

Starting today, select creators can access Veo through a private preview in VideoFX. Interested users can join the waitlist to gain access. In the future, Google plans to integrate Veo’s capabilities into YouTube Shorts and other products, making advanced video production tools accessible to a broader audience.

Also Read: Google I/O 2024 Top Highlights: Major upgrades to Gemini 1.5 Pro, New models, Gen AI for search & More

Filmmaking with Donald Glover and his creative studio, Gilga | Veo


Veo is set to revolutionize the video generation landscape, offering features and capabilities that make it a strong competitor to existing models like SORA. With high-quality video generation, advanced prompt interpretation, and unparalleled creative control, Veo is a powerful tool for anyone involved in video production. By making these advanced tools accessible to a wider audience through platforms like VideoFX and YouTube Shorts, Google is paving the way for new possibilities in storytelling and content creation.

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Himanshi Singh 15 May 2024

I am a data lover and I love to extract and understand the hidden patterns in the data. I want to learn and grow in the field of Machine Learning and Data Science.

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