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Insights from a Computer Science Conference: DATE 2024
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Insights from a Computer Science Conference: DATE 2024

Last Updated on March 31, 2024 by Editorial Team

Author(s): Federico Peccia

Originally published on Towards AI.

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In the last week of March, I attended the Design, Automation, and Test in Europe 2024 Conference. This academic conference is focused on techniques and methods for designing better electronic systems. It covers a wide range of topics, from optimizing Neural Networks for a particular hardware platform to new fabrication methods for building new hardware for AI applications.

The conference lasted three (very intensive) days, with cutting-edge paper presentations and keynotes from academic and industry leaders. There was a broad spectrum of topics: responsible and robust AI, sustainable computing, autonomous systems, quantum computing, testing and verification, photonics, chip fabrication, new hardware architectures to accelerate transformers, usage of Large Language Models (LLMs) to optimize the design of electronic systems, and a very long etcetera.

The purpose of this article is to bring the audience closer to what an academic conference looks like, talk about some interesting presentations I was able to attend (with links to the tools people presented, when available), and try to explain what benefits these methods and techniques could bring for the future.

The DATE 2024 conference programme. Image by author.

The first day started with two keynotes from industry leaders.

In the first one, Robert Dimond from ARM presented their chiplet… Read the full blog for free on Medium.

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Published via Towards AI

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