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Rethinking Overthinking: 5 Ways I Use ChatGPT as Cognitive Scaffolding
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Rethinking Overthinking: 5 Ways I Use ChatGPT as Cognitive Scaffolding

Author(s): Michelle Strom

Originally published on Towards AI.

Source: Konstantin Mironov

Picture the organization of a 13-year-old’s room, where the notion of ‘cleaning’ involves shoving all the clutter under the bed. That’s my mind. That’s the adventure of having an ADHD brain. My thoughts aren’t neatly cataloged like a library; instead, they’re stashed away in a mental chaos that only I can navigate.

And yet, in this mess, I find what I need, much like a teen who can effortlessly locate their socks among the disorder. It’s a testament to the brain’s adaptability and how it finds order in chaos. This chaos isn’t without its benefits, though. Hidden gems of… Read the full blog for free on Medium.

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Published via Towards AI

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