A photograph of children in Cape Verde who joined Club Arribada, a club made possible by grant money from the Conservation Tech Award.

The Conservation Tech Award: Accelerating the Adoption of Technology-Driven Solutions to Protect Wildlife

Applications are now open for two $15,000 no-strings-attached grants aimed at catalyzing innovation and celebrating impact

Jordan Steward
Published in
3 min readMay 16, 2023


Technology is rapidly revolutionizing our world, and nowhere is this more evident than in the field of conservation. From satellite imagery to artificial intelligence and acoustic sensors, technological innovations within the field of conservation are empowering us to better understand, monitor, and protect our planet’s wildlife and their habitats. As we face an ever-growing list of environmental challenges, such as climate change, habitat loss, and biodiversity decline, the need for innovative and effective conservation solutions is paramount. In this context, it is clear that technology has a vital role to play in driving conservation efforts forward, and we need better applied, more effective technology to meet the scale of these challenges.

With the urgency of the environmental challenges ahead, AI2 is excited to announce that applications for EarthRanger’s annual Conservation Tech Award are now open, inviting organizations who are developing and using technology to make a positive impact in conservation to apply for two $15,000 no-strings-attached grants. EarthRanger, a zero-revenue product of AI2, is a real-time data visualization and analysis software that gives conservationists the information they require to keep wildlife, habitats, and communities safe. The Conservation Tech Award is just one of many investments by AI2 to catalyze innovation, celebrate impact, and accelerate the adoption of technology-driven solutions to protect wildlife and their habitats.

A ranger at Ol Pejeta Conservancy in Kenya with EarthRanger in the background.
A ranger at Ol Pejeta Conservancy in Kenya with EarthRanger in the background. Photo courtesy Ol Pejeta Conservancy

Now in its third year, the grant program has provided critical funding to organizations demonstrating the transformative power of incorporating technology into their conservation missions. For Arribada Club, a free after-school program delivering STEM activities and hands-on access to conservation technologies in Principe, last year’s grant gave them the support they needed to open a second club in Cape Verde. Now, 60 students on the archipelago are training to become the next generation of technology-enabled conservationists.

Another inspiring example of the impact of the Conservation Tech Award is MoveApps, a 2022 grantee. MoveApps is a free data analysis platform that allows ecologists and wildlife managers to quickly and easily run complex analyses to uncover new insights from their animal movement data. Launched with $15,000 from the Conservation Tech Award and additional co-funding from the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior, the “Equip MoveApps for Conservation” (EMAC23) coding challenge will help the platform expand its tool-sharing platform.

A photograph of children sitting at desks in a classroom.
Students at Arribada Club’s new location in Cape Verde learn about computer science. With grant money from the Conservation Tech Award, Arribada Club was able to provide more kids, ages 10–12, more after-school STEM classes. Photo courtesy Arribada Club.

AI2 proudly supports these groundbreaking projects and looks forward to receiving this year’s Conservation Tech Award applications. The institute is excited to continue supporting the efforts of conservationists and technologists who are making a difference and are committed to accelerating the adoption of innovative solutions to address some of the most pressing challenges facing our planet.

Nonprofit and for-profit organizations and protected areas are eligible to apply. We encourage both EarthRanger users and non-users to submit applications. Those who have applied in years past can apply. Previous Conservation Tech Award grantees with a new project or initiative are also eligible for the Conservation Tech Award.

If your organization is eligible and would like to apply, please complete the grant application by August 18, 2023. Applications will be reviewed by a selection committee comprised of the most well-known and prolific conservation technology organizations, including the Andes Amazon Fund, Google, ConTech Africa, Harvard University, African Parks, Giraffe Conservation Foundation, North Carolina Zoo, Mara Elephant Project, Center for Conservation Innovations, Arribada Initiative, and the Wildlife Conservation Society.

For more information about this grant program, please refer to the FAQs.

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