Unleash Your Creativity with Kivy: A Comprehensive Tutorial

Tushar Aggarwal
8 min readJul 5, 2023

{This article was written without the assistance or use of AI tools, providing an authentic and insightful exploration of Kivy}

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In the vast ocean of information that engulfs us, fear not, for I present to you the ultimate guide, a veritable treasure trove, that will equip you with the mastery of Kivy. Brace yourself for a comprehensive journey that combines rich content and a step-by-step approach, ensuring you gain invaluable insights and a profound understanding of this powerful tool. Prepare to witness the transformation of your cross-platform application development skills as we embark on this thrilling adventure together!

In this ever-evolving world, Kivy has emerged as a beacon of light, a magnificent open-source Python library that empowers developers to create breathtaking applications across a multitude of platforms. Gone are the days of wrestling with different codebases for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS. Kivy sweeps in like a heroic figure, providing a unified platform where developers can craft responsive, visually appealing applications using a single codebase. Isn’t that marvelous?

My guide leaves no stone unturned as we delve into the realm of Kivy. You’ll discover its boundless capabilities, enabling you to unleash your creativity and bring your app ideas to life on a variety of platforms. Say goodbye to the days of confinement and limitation, and open your mind to a world of endless possibilities.

But that’s just the beginning! This guide offers you a glimpse into the plethora of benefits that Kivy bestows upon its users. From its intuitive user interface components to its support for multitouch gestures, Kivy ensures an immersive and delightful user experience across devices. Imagine the joy of creating applications that seamlessly adapt to different screen sizes and orientations, enchanting users with their responsiveness and visual allure.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to Kivy
  2. Benefits of Kivy
  3. Installation and Setup
  4. Creating a Basic Kivy App
  5. Kivy Widgets and Layouts
  6. Event Handling and Properties
  7. Kivy Language (KV) for UI Design
  8. Kivy Screen Manager
  9. Integrating with Other Python Libraries
  10. Deploying Kivy Apps to Different Platforms

1. Introduction to Kivy

Now, let us embark on this voyage together. Our guide takes you by the hand, providing a clear path for you to tread upon. With its step-by-step approach, you’ll gradually uncover the intricacies of Kivy, mastering its syntax, layout management, event handling, and more. Fear not, my friend, for no stone shall be left unturned as we equip you with the tools and knowledge to embark on your own cross-platform app development projects.

As you peruse this guide, I implore you to treat it as a sacred artifact, a precious resource to be cherished. Save it, bookmark it, for it shall serve as your trusted companion, a go-to source whenever you encounter challenges or seek inspiration. With each page turned, with each concept grasped, you will ascend the ladder of Kivy mastery, becoming a true virtuoso of cross-platform app development.

2. Benefits of Kivy

Ah, the splendid benefits that Kivy bestows upon its faithful developers! Allow me to shed light on the array of advantages that make this wondrous framework a true gem in the realm of cross-platform application development.

First and foremost, we must marvel at Kivy’s impeccable cross-platform compatibility. With this powerful tool at your disposal, you can wave goodbye to the arduous task of modifying your codebase for different platforms. Develop your application once, my dear developer, and effortlessly deploy it on Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS without breaking a sweat. Isn’t it delightful to witness your creation come to life across a myriad of devices, all with minimal additional modifications?

Now, let us bask in the glory of Kivy’s rich user interface capabilities. Brace yourself, for within its depths lie a treasure trove of built-in widgets that will make your UI creation process a breeze. With a few lines of code, you can conjure visually appealing and responsive user interfaces that captivate your audience. Say goodbye to the days of toiling over intricate UI designs and embrace the efficiency and elegance that Kivy brings to the table.

But wait, there’s more! Prepare to be dazzled by the high-performance graphics that Kivy offers. Harnessing the power of OpenGL ES 2, this remarkable framework ensures swift rendering and a smooth user experience, even on devices with limited resources. Yes, my friend, your applications will shine bright, exuding a level of performance and fluidity that will leave users in awe.

Let us not forget the allure of Kivy’s customizable and extensible nature. Like a painter with a vast palette of colors, developers can mold and shape Kivy to suit their artistic visions. Tailor the interface to your heart’s desire, creating unique and captivating experiences that set your applications apart from the crowd. And should you seek to expand the boundaries of Kivy’s capabilities, fear not, for its extensibility allows you to seamlessly integrate additional Python modules, unlocking new realms of functionality and endless possibilities.

But what truly sets Kivy apart is its vibrant community, a bastion of support and camaraderie. This active and devoted community stands as a testament to the framework’s popularity and promise. Within this nurturing environment, developers unite, sharing knowledge, insights, and resources, fostering growth and innovation. Should you stumble upon obstacles or seek guidance, rest assured that this community will embrace you with open arms, providing the assistance needed to conquer challenges and achieve greatness.

3. Installation and Setup

To install Kivy, ensure that you have Python 3.6 or higher and a stable internet connection. You can install Kivy using pip:

pip install kivy

Additionally, you can install the Kivy examples package to access various sample applications and tutorials:

pip install kivy_examples

4. Creating a Basic Kivy App

To create a basic Kivy app, follow these steps:

  1. Import Kivy modules: Begin by importing the necessary Kivy modules into your Python script:
import kivy
from kivy.app import App
from kivy.uix.label import Label
  1. Define your app class: Create a new class inheriting from the App base class, and define the build() method. This method will return the root widget of your application:
class MyApp(App):
def build(self):
return Label(text='Hello, Kivy!')
  1. Instantiate and run your app: Finally, create an instance of your app class and call its run() method:
if __name__ == '__main__':

This basic Kivy app will display a window with the text “Hello, Kivy!”.

5. Kivy Widgets and Layouts

Kivy provides a wide array of widgets for building your application’s user interface. Some common widgets include:

  • Label: Displays text
  • Button: A clickable button with a label
  • TextInput: A single or multiline text input field
  • Slider: A draggable slider for selecting a value within a range
  • CheckBox: A checkbox for toggling a boolean value

To organize your widgets, Kivy offers several layout options, such as:

  • BoxLayout: Arranges widgets in a horizontal or vertical line
  • GridLayout: Organizes widgets in a grid pattern
  • FloatLayout: Allows for absolute positioning and resizing of widgets
  • StackLayout: Stacks widgets in a specified direction, wrapping when space runs out

Experiment with various widgets and layouts to create your desired user interface.

6. Event Handling and Properties

Kivy allows for easy event handling and property binding to keep your app’s logic and interface in sync. Here’s how to handle events and work with properties:

  1. Define event handlers: Create functions in your app class to handle specific events, such as button clicks:
def on_button_click(self, instance):
print("Button clicked:", instance.text)
  1. Bind event handlers to widgets: Attach your event handlers to the corresponding widgets using the bind() method:
button = Button(text="Click me!")
  1. Use Kivy properties to sync UI state: Define properties in your app class to automatically update the interface when their values change:
from kivy.properties import StringProperty

class MyApp(App):
message = StringProperty('Hello, Kivy!')
def build(self):
return Label(text=self.message)

Experiment with event handling and properties to create interactive and dynamic applications.

7. Kivy Language (KV) for UI Design

Kivy Language (KV) is a domain-specific language for designing user interfaces in Kivy. It simplifies the process of creating and styling widgets and layouts, and also allows for easy binding of events and properties.

To create a KV file, save your UI design code in a file with the same name as your app class (minus “App”) and a .kv extension. For example, if your app class is named MyApp, your KV file should be named my.kv.

Here’s a simple KV file example:

orientation: 'vertical'

text: 'Welcome to Kivy!'
text: 'Click me!'
on_release: app.on_button_click()

This KV file defines a vertical BoxLayout containing a Label and a Button. The on_release event of the button is bound to the on_button_click() method of your app class.

Use Kivy Language to streamline your UI design process and separate your app’s logic from its presentation.

8. Kivy Screen Manager

For applications with multiple screens, Kivy provides a ScreenManager class to manage screen transitions and navigation. Here's how to use the ScreenManager:

Import the necessary modules: Import the ScreenManager and Screen classes from the kivy.uix.screenmanager module:

from kivy.uix.screenmanager import ScreenManager, Screen

Create your screens: Define separate classes for each screen, inheriting from the Screen class. Customize the UI of each screen using Kivy widgets and layouts:

class MainMenuScreen(Screen):

class SettingsScreen(Screen):

Configure the ScreenManager: In your app’s build() method, create an instance of the ScreenManager and add your screen instances to it:

def build(self):
screen_manager = ScreenManager()
return screen_manager

Switch between screens: To navigate between screens, use the current property of the ScreenManager:

def go_to_settings(self):
self.root.current = 'settings'

Utilize the ScreenManager to create feature-rich apps with multiple screens and seamless navigation.

9. Integrating with Other Python Libraries

Kivy’s flexibility allows for easy integration with other Python libraries, enhancing your app’s capabilities. For example, you can use popular libraries like NumPy, Pandas, or TensorFlow to process data or incorporate machine learning into your application. To integrate a Python library with Kivy, simply import and use the library as you would in any Python script.

10. Deploying Kivy Apps to Different Platforms

Kivy simplifies the process of deploying your apps to various platforms, including Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS. Follow these general steps to deploy your Kivy app:

  1. Package your app: Create a distributable package of your app using tools like PyInstaller or Kivy’s buildozer utility.
  2. Test your app: Before deploying, thoroughly test your app on the target platform to ensure proper functionality and performance.
  3. Submit your app to app stores: If targeting mobile platforms, submit your packaged app to Google Play or the App Store following their respective guidelines.


In conclusion, the benefits of Kivy are truly remarkable. Its cross-platform compatibility, rich user interface capabilities, high-performance graphics, customizability, and extensibility are the ingredients that make this framework a force to be reckoned with. And let us not overlook the vibrant community that surrounds Kivy, for it is through collaboration and support that we can truly thrive. So, my fellow developer, embrace the power of Kivy, and witness your applications transcend boundaries, captivating users across platforms with their elegance and performance. The world of cross-platform application development awaits your touch, and with Kivy by your side, success is within reach.



Tushar Aggarwal

📶250K+Reads monthly📶Don't read books, my blogs are enough 📶Chief Editor: Towards GenAI | Productionalize | 🤖 linkedin.com/in/tusharaggarwalinseec/