How to create your Marketing Video using Zebracat AI?

Yana Khare 25 Apr, 2024 • 4 min read


Are you a seasoned marketer looking to revolutionize your content strategy? Or are you an aspiring creator eager to make your mark? Here is a great AI tool to make your life and work easier and ten times faster- Zebracat AI. This tool opens the door to endless possibilities of making videos using Zebracat AI. So, what are you waiting for? Dive in, unleash your imagination, and let Zebracat AI elevate your storytelling. The future of storytelling is here, and it’s waiting for you to explore.

What Is Zebracat AI?

Zebracat AI is a cutting-edge platform combining AI’s power with video generation technology. It allows you to transform your storyboard concepts into actual videos quickly and efficiently.

Understand the Basics of Marketing Using a Video

Creating a video to explain the basics of marketing can be highly beneficial for several reasons:

  1. Visual Appeal: Videos are inherently engaging and can capture the audience’s attention more effectively than text or static images. You can make the content more compelling and memorable by using visuals, animations, and storytelling techniques.
  2. Clarity and Understanding: Marketing concepts can sometimes be complex and abstract. A video allows you to break down these concepts into more straightforward, digestible chunks, making it easier for viewers to understand and retain the information.
  3. Accessibility: Videos can be accessed and consumed across multiple platforms and devices, including smartphones, tablets, and computers. This accessibility ensures your content can reach a wider audience and be easily shared and distributed.
  4. Demonstration: Certain marketing concepts, such as branding, product positioning, or customer segmentation, are better explained through visual demonstrations. Videos allow you to showcase real-world examples, case studies, or simulations to illustrate these concepts effectively.
  5. Personality and Branding: Videos offer a unique opportunity to showcase the personality and values of your brand. You can use visual elements, music, and narration to convey your brand’s tone, style, and identity, helping to build a stronger connection with your audience.
  6. Engagement and Interactivity: Videos can incorporate interactive elements such as quizzes, polls, or clickable links, allowing viewers to engage with the content actively. This interactivity can enhance the learning experience and encourage more profound topic exploration.
  7. SEO Benefits: Video content is favored by search engines like Google, which prioritize multimedia content in search results. By optimizing your video for relevant keywords and including metadata such as titles, descriptions, and tags, you can improve your visibility and drive traffic to your website or channel.

Also Read: Top 14 Marketing Analytics Tools and Software for 2024

Creating a Video Using Zebracat AI

Follow these steps to create a video using Zebracat AI:

  1. Access For Zebracat AI

    Log into Zebracat AI to access the AI tool.

  2. Dashboard Navigation

    After you log in, you can start creating your videos. Put a prompt about the video, and Zebracat AI will use its AI model to generate a unique visual representation of your scene description. 

  3. Customization

    If the AI-generated images aren’t insufficient, you can put in your description, which will show you multiple options.

  4. Export

    Once you’re satisfied with the generated video, you can download it and start marketing!

Final Video

Limitations and Considerations

While Zebracat AI streamlines the process, keep in mind the following limitations:

  • Artistic Nuance: AI-generated images may lack the creative touch of a human sketch artist.
  • Complex Scenes: Highly detailed or complex scenes may require additional customization.
  • Integration: Zebracat AI integrates seamlessly with tools like Canva for text-to-image features.

Learn More: Generative AI: Definition, Tools, Models, Benefits & More

Additional Tips

  • While Zebracat AI is free to use initially, generating a high volume of scenes may require a paid subscription.
  • Explore different wording and phrasing in your prompts to see how they affect the generated visuals.
  • Remember, Zebracat AI excels at generating fantastical and futuristic scenes. If your story is grounded in reality, temper your expectations and adapt your prompts accordingly.

Prices and Features

FeatureBasic Plan ($19/month or $180/year)Business Plan ($29/month or $280/year)Enterprise Plan ($49/month or $480/year)
Word limitYesYesYes
Copywriting assistanceYesYesYes
Customization optionsYesYesYes
Turnaround timeNoYesYes
Language supportNoYesYes
Dedicated supportNoNoYes
Industry expertiseNoNoYes
AI video generation featuresYesYesYes
Blog to videoYesYesYes
AI automated editingYesYesYes
AI scene generationYesYesYes


In storytelling, Zebracat AI stands as a beacon of innovation and efficiency. With its cutting-edge platform seamlessly merging the prowess of artificial intelligence with advanced video generation technology, creators can now embark on a journey that transcends the boundaries of imagination. With Zebracat AI by your side, let your imagination soar and witness as your visions take shape in ways previously thought impossible. Embrace the future of storytelling with Zebracat AI, where creativity knows no bounds.

Yana Khare 25 Apr 2024

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