Chatbot Development using SpaCy

Published in
6 min readApr 23, 2023


Photo by Ales Nesetril on Unsplash


Chatbots are becoming increasingly popular for automating various customer service, marketing, and sales tasks. They enable businesses to provide 24/7 support and engage with customers in a personalized way. One of the key components of chatbot development is natural language processing (NLP), which allows the bot to understand and respond to human language. Developing a chatbot can be a complex task, but with the help of SpaCy, it can be made easier.

In this article, we will explore how to develop a chatbot using the SpaCy NLP library.

What is SpaCy?

SpaCy is a popular open-source NLP library developed in 2015 by Matthew Honnibal and Ines Montani, the founders of the software company Explosion. It provides a range of features for processing and analyzing text data. Since its initial release, SpaCy has become one of the most widely used and respected natural language processing libraries in the world, and it is known for its speed, accuracy, and ease of use, making it a popular choice for developers, data scientists, and researchers working on NLP projects.

Over the years, the SpaCy team has continued to refine and expand the library, adding new features and capabilities that make it even more powerful and versatile. With each new release, SpaCy becomes an increasingly essential tool for natural language processing, machine learning, and chatbot development.

Today, SpaCy is used by businesses and groups of all sizes in a variety of sectors, including social media, e-commerce, healthcare, and finance. The advantages of using a chatbot for business are shown in the image.

Image from:

Chatbot Development Phases

There are various phases of chatbot development, but depending on the size and functionality of the chatbot, they can differ greatly. The most common steps are mentioned below.

  1. Define the chatbot’s purpose and scope: Before beginning the development process, it is important to define the chatbot’s purpose and scope. This includes determining what the chatbot will be used for, what types of questions it will be able to answer, and what its limitations are.
  2. Gather training data: The next step is to gather training data for the chatbot. This includes collecting relevant texts, chat logs, and other data that the chatbot will use to learn and understand the language.
  3. Preprocess the training data: The training data must be pre-processed after it has been gathered. This entails preparing the data for use by SpaCy by cleaning it, eliminating superfluous information, and converting it to an appropriate file.
  4. Train the SpaCy model: The next step is to train the SpaCy model using the preprocessed training data. This involves creating a custom pipeline that includes components such as the tokenizer, POS tagger, and parser, and then training the model on the training data.
  5. Create the dialogue flow: After the SpaCy model has been trained, the next step is to create the chatbot’s dialogue flow. This involves defining the various prompts, responses, and actions that the chatbot will take in response to user input.
  6. Integrate the chatbot with a messaging platform: Once the chatbot’s dialogue flow has been created, the next step is to integrate the chatbot with a messaging platform such as Facebook Messenger, Slack, or WhatsApp.
  7. Test and refine the chatbot: The final step is to test the chatbot and refine it based on user feedback. This involves collecting user feedback, analyzing the chat logs, and making improvements to the chatbot’s dialogue flow and training data.

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To develop a chatbot using SpaCy, we first need to define the chatbot’s functionalities and the types of questions it can answer. We can then use SpaCy to build the chatbot’s natural language processing capabilities.

Step 1: Installing and setting up SpaCy

The first step is to install and set up SpaCy. We can do this using pip, a package manager for Python:

pip install spacy

Step 2: Load the SpaCy model

We also need to download a pre-trained language model for SpaCy. This can be done using the following command:

python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm

Step 3: Define the chatbot’s dialogue flow

def respond(message):
# process the input message using SpaCy model
doc = nlp(message)

# check if the input messages contain verb
for token in doc:
if token.pos_ == "VERB":
return "I'm sorry, I don't understand."

# if no verb is found in input, return a generic response
return "I'm sorry, can you please rephrase your question?"

In this step, we define the respond function that takes a message as input and returns a response based on the input message. We use SpaCy to process the input message and look for a verb in the input message. If no verb is found, we return a generic response.

Step 4: Set up the matcher to recognize specific patterns

matcher = Matcher(nlp.vocab)
matcher.add("Greeting", None, [{"LOWER": "hello"}])

In this step, we set up the matcher object to recognize specific patterns in the user's input. In this case, we add a pattern to recognize the word "hello."

Step 5: Define the chatbot’s interaction loop

while True:
message = input("You: ")
if message.lower() == "quit":
matches = matcher(nlp(message))
if matches:
print("Bot: Hello there!")
print("Bot:", respond(message))

In this step, we define the chatbot’s interaction loop using a while loop. We prompt the user for input using the input function, and check if the user wants to quit. If the input matches the greeting pattern, the chatbot responds with a greeting. Otherwise, it passes the input to the respond function to generate a response.

The code is combined in one place and written below.

import spacy
from spacy.matcher import Matcher

# load the SpaCy model
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")

# define the chatbot's dialogue flow
def respond(message):
doc = nlp(message)
for token in doc:
if token.pos_ == "VERB":
return "I'm sorry, I don't understand."
return "I'm sorry, can you please rephrase your question?"

# set up the matcher to recognize specific patterns
matcher = Matcher(nlp.vocab)
matcher.add("Greeting", None, [{"LOWER": "hello"}])

# define the chatbot's interaction loop
while True:
message = input("You: ")
if message.lower() == "quit":
matches = matcher(nlp(message))
if matches:
print("Bot: Hello there!")
print("Bot:", respond(message))


SpaCy is a powerful tool for chatbot development that offers several benefits, including efficient natural language processing and robust machine learning capabilities. With SpaCy, developers can quickly and easily create chatbots that can analyze and respond to user input in a natural and intuitive way.

By using SpaCy’s advanced natural language processing capabilities, chatbots can understand the nuances of human language and respond appropriately to user input. Additionally, the ability to train and customize SpaCy models allows chatbots to learn and improve over time, making them even more effective at understanding and responding to user queries.

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