Improving ALBERT’s Efficiency with Knowledge Distillation

Prakash Verma
Published in
6 min readJun 28, 2023


Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash


Over the years, digital devices have been getting smaller in size while becoming more powerful and efficient. Small-size IoT (Internet of Things) devices and light machine learning models are becoming increasingly popular due to the growing demand for connected devices and intelligent automation in various industries.

To achieve this, developers are creating lightweight machine-learning models that can run efficiently on small devices with limited computational resources. These models are typically designed to perform specific tasks, such as image or speech recognition, with high accuracy while minimizing power consumption and memory usage. This can improve the privacy of user data, as well as reduce latency and improve the overall performance of the application.

In this article, we will explore about ALBERT ( A lite weighted version of BERT machine learning model)

What is ALBERT?

ALBERT (A Lite BERT) is a language model developed by Google Research in 2019. It is based on the pretraining strategy of BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) and aims to improve the efficiency and scalability of BERT. However, the model’s size and computational requirements can make it challenging to use in some applications.

ALBERT uses several techniques to reduce the number of parameters required for training while maintaining or even improving the performance of BERT. Some of these techniques include:

  1. Factorized embedding parameterization: Instead of having separate embeddings for each token and each layer of the model, ALBERT factorizes the embedding parameters into smaller matrices. This significantly reduces the number of parameters required for training.
  2. Cross-layer parameter sharing: ALBERT shares parameters across all layers of the model, allowing for more efficient use of parameters and better generalization.
  3. Inter-sentence coherence loss: ALBERT incorporates an additional loss function during pretraining that encourages the model to learn relationships between sentences, improving its ability to perform tasks such as sentence classification and question answering.
  4. Sentence order prediction: In addition to the masked language modeling task used in BERT, ALBERT includes a task where the model must predict the correct order of sentences in a document, further improving its ability to understand context and relationships between sentences.

Understand Knowledge Distillation

Knowledge distillation is a technique in which a large, complex model (known as the teacher model) is used to train a smaller, simpler model (known as the student model). The idea is to transfer the knowledge learned by the teacher model to the student model, allowing the smaller model to achieve similar or even better performance on a given task while using fewer computational resources.

Image from:

Overall, knowledge distillation is a powerful technique that can be used to reduce the size and complexity of deep neural networks, while maintaining or even improving their performance on a given task.

Types of Knowledge Distillation

It is broadly categorized into two main categories:-

  1. Soft target distillation: In this type of knowledge distillation, the teacher model generates soft targets in the form of probability distributions for each input example, which are then used to train the student model. The goal is for the student model to match the soft targets generated by the teacher model, which are smoother and provide more information than the hard labels typically used to train models.
  2. Attention distillation: In this type of knowledge distillation, the attention maps learned by the teacher model are used to train the student model. Attention maps are matrices that indicate the relevance of each input feature to the output of the model. By using the attention maps learned by the teacher model, the student model is able to focus on the most relevant features of the input, which can improve its performance while reducing its size and complexity.

How does knowledge distillation work?

  1. Choose a Suitable Teacher Model: The first step in using knowledge distillation is to choose a suitable teacher model. The teacher model should be larger and more complex than the student model, but still, achieve high performance on the task of interest. BERT, GPT-2, and XLNet are some examples of models that can be used as teacher models for ALBERT.
  2. Train the teacher model: Once a suitable teacher model has been selected, the next step is to train it on the task of interest. This step involves pre-training the model on a large corpus of text, such as Wikipedia or Common Crawl. The goal is to have the teacher model learn the underlying structure of language, which can then be transferred to the student model.
  3. Generate soft targets: After training the teacher model, the next step is to generate soft targets that can be used to train the student model. Soft targets are essentially probability distributions that represent the teacher model’s output for each input example. The idea is to use these soft targets instead of the hard labels that are typically used to train models. Soft targets are smoother and provide more information than hard labels, making them more suitable for knowledge distillation.
  4. Train the student model: The next step is to train the student model. During training, the student model is optimized to match the soft targets generated by the teacher model. This is done using a combination of the original loss function for the task of interest, as well as a distillation loss that encourages the student model to match the soft targets. By doing this, the student model learns from the teacher model, effectively “distilling” its knowledge into a smaller and more efficient model.
  5. Use a distillation loss: To accomplish this, the training process typically involves a combination of the original loss function for the task of interest, as well as a distillation loss that encourages the student model to match the soft targets generated by the teacher model. The distillation loss is typically a function of the difference between the soft targets and the student model’s output.
  6. Fine-tune the student model: Once the student model is trained with knowledge distillation, it may be fine-tuned on the task of interest using the hard labels to further improve its performance.


Step 1: Import necessary libraries

import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_hub as hub
import tensorflow_datasets as tfds

Step 2: Load the pre-trained ALBERT model

albert_layer = hub.KerasLayer("", trainable=True)

Step 3: Define the teacher model for knowledge distillation

teacher_model = tf.keras.Sequential([
tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=512, dtype=tf.int32, name="inputword_ids"),
tf.keras.layers.Dense(1, activation='sigmoid', name='outputs')

Step 4: Define the student model with fewer parameters

student_model = tf.keras.Sequential([
tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=512, dtype=tf.int32, name="inputword_ids"),
tf.keras.layers.Dense(128, activation='relu'),
tf.keras.layers.Dense(1, activation='sigmoid', name='outputs')

Step 5: Compile both models with appropriate loss and metrics



Step 6: Evaluate the performance of the student model on the test set

test_loader1 =, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False)


correct = 0
total = 0

with torch.no_grad():
for batch in test_loader1:
input_ids = batch[0].to(device)
attention_mask = batch[1].to(device)
labels = batch[2].to(device)

outputs = student_model(input_ids, attention_mask)
_, predicted = torch.max(outputs.logits, 2)

total += labels.size(0)
correct = correct+ (predicted == labels).sum().item()

accuracy_Value = (100 * correct / total)

print('Test accuracy value: {accuracy_value}%')


Knowledge distillation is a powerful technique that can significantly improve the efficiency of ALBERT without sacrificing performance. In this article, you can learn how distillation can be applied to ALBERT to reduce its size and improve its efficiency.

Overall, The combination of ALBERT and knowledge distillation represents a powerful approach to natural language processing that can improve the efficiency of large-scale language models and make them more accessible to researchers and developers alike.

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Technical Writer and Developer having 13 years of work experience, My Primary Skill includes: Data Analyst, AI/ML, Deep Learning, Python, PySpark, AWS-Cloud,