Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) vs. Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL)

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8 min readMay 30, 2023


Photo by Othmar Vigl on Pexels


Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) are two popular and continuously developing artificial intelligence subfields that have gotten a lot of interest and research in recent years.

Knowing about these two subfields and how they relate and differ from one another is also essential as you advance in ML/AI. This article will go over these two incredible machine-learning frameworks and what differentiates them.

What are Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)?

GANs are a type of neural network design used to develop new data samples that are similar to the training data.

They are models that can learn how to create new things that appear to be derived from a specific dataset. For instance, GANs can be trained on a set of animal images and then used to generate new animal images that appear to be from the original set.

The fundamental concept behind GANs is for two neural networks, known as the generator and the discriminator, to compete against one another in a game-like environment, which is why the term “adversarial” is attributed to its name.

How do GANs work?

As I already mentioned, GANs are composed of two models (generators and discriminators) that contend with one another to recognize, note, and replicate the variations present in a dataset.

The generator’s task is to produce fresh, plausible data that resembles data from a real distribution. On the other hand, the discriminator must make a distinction between authentic and fraudulent data produced by the generator.

In simple terms, the generator aims to create fake data that looks so real, while the discriminator differentiates the real data from the falsified data produced by the generator.

The generator uses noisy data as input to create a fake image. The discriminator attempts to correctly classify both the fake image generated by the generator and an actual image from the training data.

The generator attempts to improve by adjusting its variables to generate a more convincing fake image that can fool the discriminator. The discriminator also strives to improve by making adjustments to its variables to differentiate between real and fake images.The two networks keep competing, improving until the generator creates data that is identical to real data.

The GAN training process involves a continuous interaction in which the generator attempts to “mislead” the discriminator into thinking its output is real. In contrast, the discriminator attempts to accurately classify the generated data as fake. As training progresses, the generator improves at creating realistic data, and the discriminator improves at differentiating between real and fake data.

Architecture of a GAN; from Papers With Code

Applications of GANs

GANs have been used in so many areas of today’s advancing technology. Here are a few applications:

  1. Image Generation:

From the previous explanations, we can see that this is one popular application of GANs. They can be used to create realistic images related to a given dataset. They are applied in certain fields, such as craft, fashion, and entertainment, where new images for design purposes or to create new sensory images can be generated.

Portrait generation using a GAN; Image from 24-GAN: Portrait Generation with Composite Attributes

2. Medical Imaging:

GANs can be used to create realistic medical images to aid doctors and researchers in diagnosis and treatment. GANs, for example, can be used to synthesize new MRI scans to assist doctors in diagnosing and treating patients with brain disorders.

Using GANs to generate medical image data of retinas; image from Papers With Code

3. Text Generation:

GANs can be used to generate text that is similar to a given dataset. This can be used in fields such as imaginative writing to generate new stories or articles based on a given subject or theme.

Comparison of text generation between GANs; image from Papers With Code

4. Video Generation:

GANs can also create videos that look similar to a given dataset. This is usually applied in areas such as film and video production, where fresh video content for a wide range of uses can be generated.

These are just a few of the many applications of GANs; research is still being conducted to determine other areas where it can be used.

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What is Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL)?

Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) is a machine learning subfield that involves teaching artificial intelligence (AI) agents (computer programs created to carry out tasks or take action on behalf of a human or another program) to learn through interactions with their environment.

It combines reinforcement learning (RL), a type of learning in which an agent learns through examinations and experimentations by receiving rewards or punishments based on its actions, with deep learning. This machine learning subset uses artificially generated neural networks to model complex data relationships.

Assume you’re teaching your pet new tricks. You reward the pet with a treat each time it correctly performs the trick. This motivates it to repeat the trick in the future. This is similar to how a DRL agent learns. The agent interacts with its surroundings and is rewarded or punished based on its actions. It is more likely to repeat the action that resulted in the reward if it receives one. It is less likely to repeat that action if it is punished, and with adequate training, the agent is likely to perform better even in complex surroundings.

How does DRL work?

The environment and the agent are the two main components of DRL. The agent operates in a simulated or physical world called the environment. It provides sensory data (observations) and rewards to the agent, and the agent acts in the environment based on its policy. The agent is a machine learning algorithm that adapts to take actions in the environment that optimize its total reward.

The agent receives an observation from the environment and processes it through a neural network, which generates an action according to its current state. It then performs the action in the environment, progressing to a new state.The environment generates a reward signal based on the new state and action. The agent uses the reward signal to update the neural network and improve its policy for future actions.

DRL works primarily by adjusting the agent’s policy and neural network weights based on observed rewards and observations from the environment. The agent learns to perform actions that result in higher rewards and, finally, can learn a good strategy that optimizes its total reward over time.

Source: DeepRM-HotNets

Applications of DRL

Here are some of the significant areas where Deep Reinforcement Learning has been applied:

  1. Robotics: DRL is used to train robots to perform complicated tasks like navigating through space, altering objects, lifting or pulling objects, etc.
  2. Finances: DRL has been used for fraud detection in financial transactions, predicting the prices of stocks, and so on.
  3. Healthcare: DRL has been used to improve medical diagnosis accuracy, enhance the treatment plans of patients, predict the growth of a particular disease in a patient, etc.
  4. Natural Language Processing: DRL has been used for enhancing chatbots, machine translations, speech recognition, etc
DRL for robotics; image from TechXplore

We could go on and on about Deep Reinforcement Learning’s applications, from training self-driving cars to creating game-playing agents that outperform human players. DRL has made significant contributions to rapidly advancing technology, and we can expect more innovative applications in a variety of sectors in the future.

Now that we’ve learned about GANs and DRLs let’s look at their similarities and differences.

Similarities between GANs and DRL

  1. They are optimization-based techniques that aim to improve with time.

In the case of GANs, the generator, and discriminator are trained in a combative manner, with the generator attempting to generate more believable samples to fool the discriminator and the discriminator trying to improve its ability to distinguish between real and generated samples. As the process progresses, the values of the generator and discriminator enhance, increasing the quality of the generated models.

DRL consistently adjusts the agent’s policy and neural network weights based on observed rewards and environmental observations. The agent learns to perform actions that result in higher rewards and, eventually, a good strategy for optimizing its total reward, thus improving its performance over time.

2. GANs and DRLs are both based on deep learning frameworks.

A GAN’s generator network is usually composed of multiple layers of convolutional and deconvolutional neural networks, while the discriminator network also employs convolutional neural networks to learn to differentiate between real and generated samples. The policy network in DRL also consists of multiple layers of fully connected or convolutional neural networks.

3. Both GANs and DRL involve learning through feedback.

The generator network in GANs attempts to generate realistic data, whereas the discriminator network provides feedback on the quality of the generated data. The agent learns in DRL by receiving feedback from the environment in the form of rewards or penalties.

Differences between GANs and DRL

  1. Training Process: The training process of GANs differs from that of DRL. GANs employ an adversarial training technique in which a generator and discriminator network collaborate to improve the quality of generated data. DRL, on the other hand, employs a trial-and-error training process in which an agent interacts with its surroundings and learns from the feedback it receives.
  2. Evaluation: GANs are assessed based on how realistic the generated data is and how well the discriminator differentiates the real data from the fake. DRL is assessed based on how well it performs the task for which it was trained.
  3. Learning Technique: GANs employ an unsupervised learning technique, meaning they learn from unlabelled data without direct instructions or responses. DRL, on the other hand, is a type of reinforcement learning algorithm that uses deep neural networks to learn from experience.
  4. Model Frameworks: GANs usually consist of a generator and discriminator network, whereas DRL represents the agent’s policy using a neural network.

The goal of GANs is to generate fresh data samples similar to a given dataset, whereas DRL aims to learn to make decisions in an environment that enhances a reward signal.


We’ve talked about two important ML/AI subfields, how they work, their training methods, similarities, and differences. I hope you found this article helpful, and feel free to leave a comment below!

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