Top 7 Platforms to Practice SQL in 2024

Nitika Sharma 29 May, 2024 • 5 min read


SQL remains the cornerstone of data manipulation and analysis in the digital age. Whether you’re a budding data analyst, a seasoned database administrator, or a developer looking to refine your querying abilities, practicing SQL is pivotal. But where does one turn to refine their SQL skills? Fear not, for we’ve scoured the web to bring you the ultimate list of platforms where you can practice SQL until your queries, subqueries, and advanced SQL techniques are as sharp as Occam’s razor. Learn SQL on these platforms and master the art of writing efficient select statements, aggregate functions, and other complex SQL queries. So In this Article, we are talking about Platforms to Practice SQL. Top 7 Platforms where you can practice sql.

Platforms to practice SQL

7 Best Platforms to Practice SQL

Becoming a SQL master involves purposeful practice. Our selected platforms provide structured challenges, real-world scenarios, and instant feedback to advance your skills from beginner to expert.


Codecademy | Platforms to Practice SQL

Codecademy has long been a beacon for learners of all things code. Their interactive SQL course lets you write and run queries directly in the browser. With a hands-on approach and a progress tracker, you’ll be slicing through data sets with precision in no time.

Projects are an essential part of learning a new concept. Here are 10 amazing SQL projects for you to test your knowledge.

Analytics Vidhya

Analytics Vidhya | Platforms to Practice SQL

Analytics Vidhya’s SQL course is meticulously crafted to guide you through the intricacies of SQL. With a mix of video lessons and interactive exercises, we ensure that you’re not just practicing but also understanding the ‘why’ behind each query.



SQLZoo is like a playground for SQL enthusiasts. It offers a variety of exercises that range from basic to advanced, all while keeping a playful tone. The immediate feedback on queries ensures a quick learning curve, and the diverse set of examples keeps the experience fresh.



With a vast array of SQL challenges that mirror technical interview questions, LeetCode is the perfect place to prepare for your next career leap. The community discussions and solutions provide a collaborative environment to learn and grow.



HackerRank offers a competitive edge to SQL practice. With its leaderboard and contests, you’re not just learning but vying for supremacy. The platform’s structured approach to problems helps build a strong foundation in SQL concepts.

Also Read: SQL For Data Science: A Beginner Guide!

Mode Analytics

Mode Analytics | Platforms to Practice SQL

Mode Analytics offers a unique twist by offering a SQL tutorial using real-world data. This approach gives you a taste of what data analysts deal with daily, making it an invaluable resource for those looking to apply their skills professionally.



StrataScratch offers SQL problems sourced from real companies. This platform bridges practice and application, providing a glimpse into the types of SQL challenges you might face in a tech-driven workplace.

How to Learn SQL in a Week Can I learn SQL in a week?

  1. Grasp the core concepts: Focus on understanding SQL Server, databases, tables, and data types.
  2. Master the basic SQL syntax and commands: Get comfortable with SELECT (to retrieve data), INSERT (to add data), UPDATE (to modify data), and DELETE (to remove data).
  3. Practice, Practice, Practice: Find resources that provide SQL exercises and hands-on practice with SQL queries, SQL code, and SQL joins.
  4. Dive into data analytics: Use SQL for data analysis and visualization.
  5. Explore advanced features: Learn about window functions and other advanced SQL functionalities.
  6. Apply machine learning: Understand how SQL can be used in machine learning contexts.

Here are some helpful resources:

  • Interactive tutorials: Websites like [] offer interactive tutorials that introduce you to SQL through practical exercises.
  • Online Courses: Platforms like Coursera, Udemy, or Khan Academy have beginner-friendly SQL courses you can complete in a week.
  • Practice databases: Many platforms offer free access to sample SQL databases you can use to experiment with your SQL queries.

Remember, consistency is key. Dedicate a few hours each day to learning and practicing basic SQL. While becoming a complete SQL master might take longer, a week is enough to establish a solid foundation in SQL database management and gain valuable skills in data analysis.


The path to SQL mastery is a personal journey that requires dedication, curiosity, and the right set of tools. The platforms listed above are more than just practice grounds; they are gateways to a world where data yields to your command. Whether you’re looking for interactive learning, real-world application, or competitive challenges, there’s a platform tailored to your learning style. So choose your arena, sharpen your mind, and let the queries begin. So their is Number of Platforms where you can sql whether it is sql commands , sql editor , sql learning , sql select or any structured query language of Microsoft.Basically you will get clear understanding on which Platforms to Practice SQL.

Enroll today for our SQL course and master the complex concepts in no time!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Which site is best for SQL practice?

A. SQLZoo and LeetCode are recommended for SQL practice, providing interactive challenges and real-world scenarios to enhance skills.

Q2. What is the best way to practice SQL?

A. Practice SQL effectively by engaging in real projects, solving problems on platforms like HackerRank, and building databases for hands-on experience.

Q3. What is the best platform to practice SQL?

A. LeetCode: Extensive SQL challenges.
HackerRank: Wide range of SQL problems.
SQLZoo: Interactive tutorials and exercises.
Mode Analytics SQL Tutorial: Practical exercises with an interactive environment.
W3Schools: Comprehensive tutorials with an SQL editor.

Q4. Which site is best for SQL course?

A. For structured learning, Udemy and Coursera offer comprehensive SQL courses with hands-on projects, facilitating skill development and in-depth understanding.

Nitika Sharma 29 May 2024

Frequently Asked Questions

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