Azure Open AI ChatGPT with Power Apps

Balamurugan Balakreshnan
4 min readApr 29, 2023

Let’s build a Power App to use Azure Open AI ChatGPT for various use cases

What’s needed

Create a Power App

  • To create a power app first need to create a power flow
  • Flow is invoked by a powerapp trigger
  • Text information will be passed to the flow
  • on the default screen assign values to variables
Set(inputvar, "{ \""messages\"": [{ \""role\"": \""system\"", \""content\"": \""You are a helpful assistant.\"" }, { \""role\"": \""user\"", \""content \"": \""hi there\"" } ]}"); Collect(convlist, { role : "system", content: " You are a helpful assistant." }); Set(outvar, "");

Power Flow

  • Let’s create a power flow
  • On the left menu in power apps click on flows
  • Click on flows
  • Click New Flow
  • Name it as chatgptprocessing
  • here is the entire flow
  • First add trigger as Power Apps
  • then Initialize a variable
  • Bring Parse JSON to parse the input variable
  • here is the schema
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"content": {
"type": "string"
"role": {
"type": "string"
"required": [
  • Now lets send the data to openai API to use davinci model using chatgpt model
  • First bring HTTP action
  • Then select the action as POST
  • here is the URL
  • Note we need content-type:application/json
  • also need api-key: <your_api_key>
  • here is the body
"messages": @{body('Parse_JSON')}
  • Now initialize a variable to store the response
  • name the variable as output
  • set the value as “”
  • now assign the variable to the output variable
  • Now assign the put to respond to power app
  • Now lets test the flow
  • Save the flow
  • Move to power apps

Power Apps

  • NOw in the power app drag a label and assign the value to the variable outvar
  • Now in the default screen assign values to variables
Set(inputvar, "{ \""messages\"": [{ \""role\"": \""system\"", \""content\"": \""You are a helpful assistant.\"" }, { \""role\"": \""user\"", \""content \"": \""hi there\"" } ]}"); Collect(convlist, { role : "system", content: " You are a helpful assistant." }); Set(outvar, "");
  • Bring Text box and assign the value to inputvar
  • Create a button to call the flow
Collect(convlist, { role : "user", content: TextInput9.Text } );Set(outputvar, chatgptprocessing.Run(JSON(convlist)));Set(outvar, Text(ParseJSON(outputvar.output).choices.'0'.message.content));Collect(convlist, { role : "assistant", content: outvar});
  • Now create a gallery to show the conversation
  • drop the vertical gallery
  • assing the value to convlist
  • Now bring a create a clear button
Clear(convlist);Collect(convlist, { role : "system", content: " I am Chat bot - helpful assistant." });Set(outvar, "");
  • Now save and test the app

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