Microsoft Adding New Windows Keyboard That Will Activate Copilot

ODSC - Open Data Science
2 min readJan 11, 2024

In a new blog post, Microsoft announced that the company will be adding a new Windows key that will allow users to activate its AI tool, Copilot. According to the company, this move is to help users “key off the year of AI-powered Windows PCs“.

To those keeping an eye on the tech giant, this likely doesn’t come as a surprise. Between Microsoft’s heavy investments into OpenAI, and other Generative AI initiatives, and its push to integrate more of its suite of products with AI, making it easier to turn on Copilot makes sense.

According to Chief Marketing Officer Yusuf Mehdi who wrote in the post, the goal is to make AI “seamlessly woven into Windows from the system, to the silicon, to the hardware.” Mehdi continued, “This will not only simplify people’s computing experience but also amplify it, making 2024 the year of the AI PC.

So what does this new Copilot keyboard button exactly do? Well, pretty much what you’d expect it to do. The post from the company went into detail. Users will be able to create images, change PC settings, draft emails, and pretty much operate their systems with greater efficiency.

Microsoft also plans on showcasing the new feature at CES (Consumer Electronics Show) in Las Vegas next week. This coincides with the feature being added to new Windows 11 PCs, and soon after, the company’s fleet of Surface devices.

The move follows the launch of an app called Copilot for Android that allowed users to access the AI tool without the use of the Bing Mobile app. Since its debut in September, which came as a free update for Windows 11 OSs it marked a strong move toward greater integration of generative AI tools within the Microsoft ecosystem of products.

All of this comes a few days after Samsung’s move to push generative AI into their smartphones. According to another report, this debut is expected on January 17th with the new Galaxy Series S.

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