Top VC Firms Sign Voluntary Commitments for Startups to Build AI Responsibly

The new guidelines are part of an effort to enact some guardrails for potentially thousands of startups across the AI industry.

The new voluntary guidelines, while open-ended, are part of an effort to enact some guardrails for potentially thousands of startups across the AI industry.

Photographer: Krisztian Bocsi/Bloomberg

Nearly three dozen venture capital firms have signed a set of voluntary commitments, with feedback from the Biden administration, for how the many startups they back should develop artificial intelligence technology responsibly.

Responsible Innovation Labs (RIL), a nonprofit coalition of investors and tech executives, is set to release details on Tuesday of the new guidelines, which include pledges to “secure organizational buy-in” within startups around responsible AI, “forecast AI risks and benefits,” and “audit and test to ensure product safety.” The group consulted with the US Commerce Department, as well as academics and civil society groups, to create the voluntary agreement, and will discuss it at a roundtable in San Francisco with Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo on Tuesday.