Sun.Mar 03, 2024

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Could We Achieve AGI Within 5 Years? NVIDIA’s CEO Jensen Huang Believes It’s Possible


In the dynamic field of artificial intelligence, the quest for Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) represents a pinnacle of innovation, promising to redefine the interplay between technology and human intellect. Jensen Huang, CEO of NVIDIA, a trailblazer in AI technology, recently brought this topic to the forefront of technological discourse. During a forum at Stanford University, Huang posited that AGI might be realized within the next five years, a projection that hinges critically on the d

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The Era of 1-Bit LLM: Microsoft’s Groundbreaking Technology

Analytics Vidhya

Introduction In a groundbreaking move, Microsoft introduced a revolutionary 1-Bit LLM technology set to redefine the landscape of language models. This cutting-edge development promises to revolutionize how we interact with AI systems and open up a world of possibilities for the future. The Innovation Behind 1-Bit LLM Microsoft’s 1-Bit LLM technology is a significant advancement […] The post The Era of 1-Bit LLM: Microsoft’s Groundbreaking Technology appeared first on Analytics

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How to use AI to build powerful market research tools


Market research platforms offer users valuable market research tools that analyze qualitative and quantitative audio, video, and text-based customer feedback, so users can gain insights from the data. Today, market research platforms are turning to AI models, such as AI Speech-to-Text, Audio Intelligence models, and Large Language Models (LLMs), to build suites of advanced analysis tools for their customers.

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Meet Phind-70B: An Artificial Intelligence (AI) Model that Closes Execution Speed and the Code Generation Quality Gap with GPT-4 Turbo


The field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is significantly pushing the envelope of technology, thanks to the amazing capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs). These models based on Natural Language Processing, Understanding, and Generation have demonstrated exceptional skills and potential in almost every industry. In recent research, a new development has emerged that can greatly improve the coding experiences of developers across the globe.

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The AI Superhero Approach to Product Management

Speaker: Conrado Morlan

In this engaging and witty talk, we’ll explore how artificial intelligence can transform the daily tasks of product managers into streamlined, efficient processes. Using the lens of a superhero narrative, we’ll uncover how AI can be the ultimate sidekick, aiding in decision-making, enhancing productivity, and boosting innovation. Attendees will leave with practical tools and actionable insights, motivated to embrace AI and leverage its potential in their work. 🦸 🏢 Key objectives:

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From Code to Cloud: Building CI/CD Pipelines for Containerized Apps

Towards AI

Last Updated on March 4, 2024 by Editorial Team Author(s): Afaque Umer Originally published on Towards AI. From Code to Cloud: Building CI/CD Pipelines for Containerized Apps Photo by Simon Kadula on Unsplash Introduction U+1F516 Imagine yourself as a Data Scientist, leaning in over your keyboard, sculpting Python scripts that decode the mysteries hidden within your dataset.

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Harmonizing Data: A Symphony of Segmenting, Concatenating, Pivoting, and Merging

Machine Learning Mastery

In the world of data science, where raw information swirls in a cacophony of numbers and variables, lies the art of harmonizing data. Like a maestro conducting a symphony, the skilled data scientist orchestrates the disparate elements of datasets, weaving them together into a harmonious composition of insights. Welcome to a journey where data transcends […] The post Harmonizing Data: A Symphony of Segmenting, Concatenating, Pivoting, and Merging appeared first on

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Meta AI Research Introduces MobileLLM: Pioneering Machine Learning Innovations for Enhanced On-Device Intelligence


The evolution of large language models (LLMs) marks a revolutionary stride towards simulating human-like understanding and generating natural language. These models, through their capacity to process and analyze vast datasets, have significantly influenced various sectors, including but not limited to automated customer service, language translation, and content creation.

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Privacy-Preserving Quantile Treatment Effect Estimation for Randomized Controlled Trials

Machine Learning Research at Apple

In accordance with the principle of "data minimization," many internet companies are opting to record less data. However, this is often at odds with A/B testing efficacy. For experiments with units with multiple observations, one popular data-minimizing technique is to aggregate data for each unit. However, exact quantile estimation requires the full observation-level data.

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Enhancing Autoregressive Decoding Efficiency: A Machine Learning Approach by Qualcomm AI Research Using Hybrid Large and Small Language Models


Central to Natural Language Processing (NLP) advancements are large language models (LLMs), which have set new benchmarks for what machines can achieve in understanding and generating human language. One of the primary challenges in NLP is the computational demand for autoregressive decoding in LLMs. This process, essential for tasks like machine translation and content summarization, requires substantial computational resources, making it less feasible for real-time applications or on devices w

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Provide Real Value in Your Applications with Data and Analytics

The complexity of financial data, the need for real-time insight, and the demand for user-friendly visualizations can seem daunting when it comes to analytics - but there is an easier way. With Logi Symphony, we aim to turn these challenges into opportunities. Our platform empowers you to seamlessly integrate advanced data analytics, generative AI, data visualization, and pixel-perfect reporting into your applications, transforming raw data into actionable insights.

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What Can CLIP Learn From Task-specific Experts?

Machine Learning Research at Apple

This paper has been accepted to the UniReps Workshop in NeurIPS 2023. Contrastive language image pretraining has become the standard approach for training vision language models. Despite the utility of CLIP visual features as global representations for images, they have limitations when it comes to tasks involving object localization, pixel-level understanding of the image, or 3D perception.

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Enhancing AI’s Foresight: The Crucial Role of Discriminator Accuracy in Advanced LLM Planning Methods


The ability of systems to plan and execute complex tasks stands as a testament to AI’s progress. Panning within AI has been approached through various methodologies, ranging from basic decision-making processes to complex algorithms designed to simulate the foresight and adaptability of human intelligence. As the intricacy of problems addressed by AI systems has escalated, so too has the necessity for innovative planning strategies that can navigate these challenges with greater precision and ef

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Human Following in Mobile Platforms with Person Re-Identification

Machine Learning Research at Apple

Human following serves an important human-robotics interaction feature, while real-world scenarios make it challenging particularly for a mobile agent. The main challenge is that when a mobile agent try to locate and follow a targeted person, this person can be in a crowd, be occluded by other people, and/or be facing (partially) away from the mobile agent.

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This Paper Explores the Synergistic Potential of Machine Learning: Enhancing Interpretability and Functionality in Generalized Additive Models through Large Language Models


In the significantly advancing fields of data science and Artificial Intelligence (AI), the combination of interpretable Machine Learning (ML) models with Large Language Models (LLMs) has represented a major breakthrough. By combining the best features of both strategies, this strategy improves the usability and accessibility of sophisticated data analysis tools.

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Demystifying DAPs: A Practical Guide to Digital Adoption Success

Speaker: Pulkit Agrawal

Digital Adoption Platforms (DAPs) are revolutionizing the way organizations interact with and optimize their software applications. As digital transformation continues to accelerate, DAPs have become essential tools for enhancing user engagement and software efficiency. This session is your guide into the robust world of DAPs, exploring their origins, evolution, and the current trends shaping their development.

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A fun history about Git

“the information manager from hell” — creator of git You read that right — “ an unpleasant or contemptible person ” — this is what “git” means in British English. It’s not a crazy coincidence that it resembles the “git” tool we use day in and day out. In fact — the meaning is the inspiration behind naming “git” as “git”. You see — when Linus Torvalds (yup — the creator of Linux kernel) was developing the Linux kernel — he was frustrated with the limitations of the then prevailing VCS (version co

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This AI Paper from CMU and Meta AI Unveils Pre-Instruction-Tuning (PIT): A Game-Changer for Training Language Models on Factual Knowledge


In the fast-paced world of artificial intelligence, the challenge of keeping large language models (LLMs) up-to-date with the latest factual knowledge is paramount. These models, which have become the backbone of numerous AI applications, store a wealth of information during their initial training phase. However, as time passes, the static nature of this stored knowledge becomes a limitation, unable to accommodate the constant evolution of real-world information or specialize in niche domains.

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Who Needs Reporters?

Robot Writers AI

AI Rewrites Press Releases, Calls It News A growing number news sites have decided to bypass reporters completely and simply go live with whatever they happen to find in a press release — courtesy of an AI-rewrite. Writer Bron Maher reports that the tool they’re using is Gutenbot, by Reach. Granted, editors at the news outlets using the AI are supposedly tasked to double-check the press release rewrites to ensure the data and claims spewed in the press release are faithfully re-spewe

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Can AI Keep Up in Long Conversations? Unveiling LoCoMo, the Ultimate Test for Dialogue Systems


Recent advancements in AI have significantly impacted the field of conversational AI, particularly in the development of chatbots and digital assistants. These systems aim to mimic human-like conversations, providing users with more natural and engaging interactions. As these technologies evolve, one area of increasing interest is enhancing their ability to maintain long-term conversational memory, which is crucial for sustaining coherent and contextually relevant dialogues over extended periods

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Deliver Mission Critical Insights in Real Time with Data & Analytics

In the fast-moving manufacturing sector, delivering mission-critical data insights to empower your end users or customers can be a challenge. Traditional BI tools can be cumbersome and difficult to integrate - but it doesn't have to be this way. Logi Symphony offers a powerful and user-friendly solution, allowing you to seamlessly embed self-service analytics, generative AI, data visualization, and pixel-perfect reporting directly into your applications.

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Git with just 9 Steps

How to use git to upload code to GitHub? What is Git? Git is a version control system, used to version your code and keep track of its changes. Install GIT by following the instructions [link] Why Version Control? Let’s say you have started writing a simple code and you share it with your friend. Your friend on looking at the code gets hit with an idea to add a functionality.

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This AI Paper from the University of Michigan and Netflix Proposes CLoVe: A Machine Learning Framework to Improve the Compositionality of Pre-Trained Contrastive Vision-Language Models


There has been notable progress in Vision-Language tasks, with models like CLIP showing impressive performance in various tasks. While these models excel at recognizing objects, they need help composing known concepts in novel ways due to text representations that appear indifferent to word order. Even large-scale models like GPT-4V have yet to show evidence of successfully identifying compositions, highlighting a limitation in Vision-Language modeling.

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Advanced RAG 06: Exploring Query Rewriting

A key technique for aligning the semantics of queries and documents Continue reading on MLearning.

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Harmonizing Vision and Language: Advancing Consistency in Unified Models with CocoCon


Unified vision-language models have emerged as a frontier, blending the visual with the verbal to create models that can interpret images and respond in human language. However, a stumbling block in their development has been ensuring that these models behave consistently across different tasks. The crux of the problem lies in the model’s ability to produce coherent and reliable outputs, whether they are identifying objects in images, answering questions based on those images, or generatin

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Breaking New Ground: Managing Innovation Fatigue With Effective Automation

Speaker: Gary Dmitriev

Our upcoming webinar aims to demystify the process of selecting and implementing automation tools for financial institutes. This session will provide your roadmap for vetting potential solutions, focusing on due diligence, vendor assessments, and aligning technology with strategic goals. We’ll also address the critical issue of innovation fatigue, offering tips on maintaining enthusiasm and momentum for new initiatives.

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How to Deploy Any ML models with FastAPI and Docker

This simple project aims to learn how to use your ml models in deployment using the most common tool FastAPI and containerized the… Continue reading on MLearning.

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Revolutionizing Data Annotation: The Pivotal Role of Large Language Models


Large Language Models (LLMs) such as GPT-4, Gemini, and Llama-2 are at the forefront of a significant shift in data annotation processes, offering a blend of automation, precision, and adaptability previously unattainable with manual methods. The traditional approach to data annotation, a meticulous process of labeling data to train models, has been both time-consuming and resource-intensive.

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A New Era of Driving: Enhanced Safety and Comfort with Comma AI

The Machine Learning Brain Behind the Wheel Continue reading on MLearning.

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Unveiling the Paradox: A Groundbreaking Approach to Reasoning Analysis in AI by the University of Southern California Team


Large language models, or LLMs, have transformed how machines understand and generate text, making interactions increasingly human-like. These models are at the forefront of technological advancements, tackling complex tasks from answering questions to summarizing vast amounts of text. Despite their prowess, a pressing question looms over their reasoning abilities: How reliable and consistent are they in their logic and conclusions?

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Using Data & Analytics for Improving Healthcare Innovation and Outcomes

In the rapidly evolving healthcare industry, delivering data insights to end users or customers can be a significant challenge for product managers, product owners, and application team developers. The complexity of healthcare data, the need for real-time analytics, and the demand for user-friendly interfaces can often seem overwhelming. But with Logi Symphony, these challenges become opportunities.

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Beyond the Café: Stories Stirred by Soul and Silicon

Coffee, Creativity, and AI Companions Continue reading on MLearning.

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Advancing Large Language Models for Structured Knowledge Grounding with StructLM: Model Based on CodeLlama Architecture


We cannot deny the significant strides made in natural language processing (NLP) through large language models (LLMs). Still, these models often need to catch up when dealing with the complexities of structured information, highlighting a notable gap in their capabilities. The crux of the issue lies in the inherent limitations of LLMs, such as ChatGPT, which need to catch up to state-of-the-art models by a significant margin when tasked with grounding knowledge from structured sources.

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From Error to Value: The Creative Chaos of AI Hallucinations

Find AI’s Honest Limits. Continue reading on MLearning.

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