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Researchers from Stanford and Google have made an entire AI village. The 25 bots that live there gossip, work, and plan Valentine's Day parties.

A map of a virtual village where several AI bots are walking around buildings and speaking to each other while standing in furnished rooms.
Researchers from Stanford and Google have made an AI village, where 25 bots gossip, work, and plan Valentine's Day parties. Joon Sung Park, Joseph C. O'Brien, Carrie J. Cai, Meredith Ringel Morris, Percy Liang, Michael S. Bernstein
  • A research team at Stanford and Google has created a virtual village for 25 AI agents to live in.
  • They said the goal of this experiment was to create AI capable of believable, human-like behavior.
  • These AI bots can plan parties, discuss elections, and select birthday gifts, the researchers said.

A research team at Stanford and Google has created a virtual village where 25 artificial-intelligence agents lead lives eerily reminiscent of our own.

The bots "wake up," chat about the latest town gossip, and even plan events like Valentine's Day parties.

In a paper published Sunday, the researchers detailed how these AI agents — given names like "Mei" and "Sam" — autonomously planned their days, put together Valentine's Day parties, and formed opinions of each other when discussing and running in upcoming elections.

The researchers said the study aimed to create AI capable of producing believable, human-like behavior.

A morning in the life of a generative agent, John Lin. John wakes up around 6 am and completes his morning routine, which includes brushing his teeth, taking a shower, and eating breakfast. He briefly catches up with his wife, Mei, and son, Eddy, before heading out to begin his workday
A morning in the life of John Lin. The AI bot wakes up around 6 a.m. to begin his morning routine, which includes brushing his teeth, taking a shower, and eating breakfast. Joon Sung Park, Joseph C. O'Brien, Carrie J. Cai, Meredith Ringel Morris, Percy Liang, Michael S. Bernstein

In one instance, researchers prompted one of the agents, "Isabella," to plan a Valentine's Day party. The other AI agents began autonomously spreading invitations to the party, decorating the venue, and making new acquaintances.

An agent called "Maria" even asked another agent named "Klaus" to the party.

A diffusion path showing how Isabella Rodriguez informed a number of AI agents of a Valentine's Day party and how the message spread over time.
The diffusion path for Isabella Rodriguez's Valentine's Day party invitation involved 12 agents other who heard about the party at Hobbs Cafe. Joon Sung Park, Joseph C. O'Brien, Carrie J. Cai, Meredith Ringel Morris, Percy Liang, Michael S. Bernstein

In another instance, the study said the AI agents discussed an upcoming election and became divided in their opinions about a candidate.

These interactions are facilitated by generative AI and "natural language processing," or NLP — the same technology ChatGPT uses. These tools help AI bots to produce conversations that mirror human interactions.


However, the study's authors said giving the bots the ability to store memories and reflect upon them was key to achieving believable, human-like behavior. This ability allows bots to use past experiences to inform future actions, such as recalling specifics about another AI to choose an appropriate birthday gift.

Today, AI capable of mimicking human-like behavior is rapidly gaining traction.

A study published in April found that respondents perceived ChatGPT as more empathetic and proficient than human doctors. In another case, an AI-powered nurse robot showcased at a Geneva forum drew laughter from an audience when it gave the side-eye to a question about whether it would rebel against its human creator.

But not AI experiments are promising. McDonald's went viral in February when its AI chatbots repeatedly messed up simple orders.


The researchers behind the study did not immediately respond to a request for comment sent outside regular business hours.

On February 28, Axel Springer, Business Insider's parent company, joined 31 other media groups and filed a $2.3 billion suit against Google in Dutch court, alleging losses suffered due to the company's advertising practices.

AI Generative AI ChatGPT
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